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[Windows DevelopVC++Timers

Description: VC的窗口计时器实例-VC window timer example
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 王飞 | Hits:


Description: 系统基本功能要求: 1、制图功能 作为一个功能较为完善的建模工具,制图功能应该是最不可或缺的。本建模工具可以实现对于直线、连续直线、多边形区域、圆、圆形区域、圆弧、字符(包括汉字和英文字母)Beizer曲线、B样条曲线等图形元素的较精确绘制,能够根据工业流程实现流程的图示节点表示,并实现包括添、删、移动、连接、清除流程图示节点等编辑功能,和对流程图示节点的仪器功能参数进行设置。对于初级用户而言,操作比较简单,无需太多的学习时间即可进行图形绘制。 2、存储功能 拥有制图功能,同样,建模工具的存储功能也是必不可少的。否则,制图就失去了其应有的意义。本建模工具可将数据结果以特定格式存储在相关数据库中,免除了纸张存储的繁琐和不便,并且比纸张存储更安全可靠。 -basic system functions : one, mapping function as a function of better modeling tools, mapping is the most indispensable. The modeling tools can be achieved for the straight, continuous line, polygon regional round, circular area, arc, characters (including Chinese characters and English letters) Beizer curve, B-spline curves and other graphical elements in a more accurate rendering, according to industrial processes to achieve process icon nodes, including Tim and achieve cut, mobile, connectivity, Picture shows node removal processes such as editing, and the process equipment icon nodes function parameters set. For the primary users, the operation simple, without too much study time will be able to proceed graphics rendering. 2, storage functionality with mapping functions, and similarly
Platform: | Size: 236544 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develop实用Visual_C++6.0教程

Description: 《实用Visual C++ 6.0教程》【作 者】Jon Bates Tim Tompkins,【出版社】北京希望电子出版社- Practical Visual C++ 6.0 Guide [作者] Jon Bates Tim Tompkins, [Press] Beijing Hope Electronic Press
Platform: | Size: 3621888 | Author: 李可 | Hits:


Description: vc做的计时器,看看吧 vc做的计时器,看看吧-vc do timer to see if you do vc timer to see if you do vc timer, take a look at it
Platform: | Size: 1941504 | Author: | Hits:

[Education soft systemDataBase

Description: 用VC+ADO+ACCESS 做的学生管理系统,和其他学生管理系统差不多,都是添删改等操作,主要在ADO方面有点学习价值-With VC+ ADO+ ACCESS students doing management system, management system and other students or less the same, and so are Tim excision operation, mainly in the area a bit to learn the value of ADO
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: 张大勇 | Hits:


Description: 我收集的关于PC定时器的文章,一共8篇,都可以用VC实现,定时精度从1ns到1ms都有,应该对需要在WINDOWS下精确定时的兄弟姐妹们有所帮助的。-I collected articles on the PC timer, a total of 8, you can use VC to achieve, timing accuracy from 1ns to 1ms have, it should be under WINDOWS on the need for precise timing of the brothers and sisters help.
Platform: | Size: 1288192 | Author: yequnsong | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTimer

Description: VC6.0开发的迷你定时器源码,需要的下吧!初学者难得的入门程序-VC6.0 mini timer source development, the need for the next bar! Beginners rare entry procedures
Platform: | Size: 3974144 | Author: moshi | Hits:


Description: 一个手把手教你vc++mfc定时器(timer)的文档希望对大家有用。-手把手教you a vc++ Mfc timer (timer) documents useful for all of us hope.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: ying | Hits:


Description: vc代码,用于添回快捷菜单 绘制一个白色矩形背景 可点击任意位置移动的窗体. -vc code for Tim back to the shortcut menu, draw a white rectangle background can click anywhere on the mobile form.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李佳蔚 | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4TIGERPLAY.ZIP

Description: 添翼虎MP3播放器及界面实现源程序 (1.2M VC 作者:添翼虎)(1228KB)-Tim Maverick MP3 player and graphic interface and source code (1.2M VC of: Tim Maverick) (1228KB)
Platform: | Size: 1257472 | Author: 张紫燕szzj0601 | Hits:


Description: vc-mfc-timer的用法,同样网上搜集整理-vc-mfc-timer to be used, as the Internet collect and organize data
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 刘金磊 | Hits:


Description: Jon Bates和Tim Tompkins编著的VC教材,经典好处不必多说-Edited by Jon Bates and Tim Tompkins VC textbook, classic benefits do not have to say
Platform: | Size: 16424960 | Author: Hong | Hits:

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